Readalong Archive

Readalong Zuzanna Brzezinska Readalong Zuzanna Brzezinska


Clear by Carys Davies - On a remote Scottish island, Ivar, the sole occupant, leads a life of quiet isolation until the day he finds a man unconscious on the beach below the cliffs. The newcomer is John Ferguson, an impoverished church minister sent to evict Ivar and turn the island into grazing land for sheep.

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Still Life
Readalong Naomi Bacon Readalong Naomi Bacon

Still Life

Still Life by Val McDermid - When a lobster fisherman discovers a dead body in Scotland’s Firth of Forth, Karen is called into investigate. She quickly discovers that the case will require untangling a complicated web—including a historic disappearance, art forgery, and secret identities—that seems to orbit around a painting copyist who can mimic anyone from Holbein to Hockney.

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