Helena Kulikowska Helena Kulikowska

The School Reunion:  Competitive Readalong

Team Tandem loves a good challenge and weโ€™re always looking for ways in which we can innovate our Readalongs, to get the best results for our clients. In January, we, therefore, jumped at the chance to run our first-ever competitive Readalong celebrating the release of The School Reunion by Shalini Boland, in collaboration with our friends at Amazon Publishing.

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Camilla Riccadonna Camilla Riccadonna

The Eight Mountains: a cinematic experience

After witnessing the massive success The Eight Mountains film adaptation had in Italy, we were absolutely thrilled to be working with Picturehouse on the UK release, which was on the 12th May 2023.

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Jenny Ayre Jenny Ayre

A Doodle A Day, Tamara Michael

At Tandem we love all types of books, and are always trying new -alongs! When we were approached to work on A Doodle A Day by Tamara Michael, we knew that a new -along was born: the DoodleAlong!

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Alexis Ebers Alexis Ebers

Immune by Philipp Dettmer

Immune by Philipp Dettmer - Seven years in, Tandem has run thousands of Readalongs and campaigns on Instagram and TikTok, cementing our place in the Bookstagram and BookTok communities. When we were approached in early 2022 by Hodder Books UK about facilitating YouTube activity for a nonfiction science book, it required us to take our tried and true methods of activation on Instagram and TikTok and figure out how to reconfigure them to work in the BookTube community.

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Laura McKerrell Laura McKerrell

Gabriel Garcia Marquez Cover Reveal

One thing the Tandem community knows how to do, very well, is SHOUT ABOUT BOOKS. In this simple cover reveal, we demonstrated how we could turn a request around quickly, effectively and with unmissable results.

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Camilla Riccadonna Camilla Riccadonna

Greetings from Big Brother - Reading & Listening to Julia

Julia by Sandra Newman (Granta Publications) is a feminist retelling of the worldwide appreciated classic Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. The plot follows the old classicโ€™s narration almost word by word, but from the female protagonistโ€™s point of view: Julia. When Granta approached us with this title, we knew we had to find a way to celebrate Orwellโ€™s work, whilst promoting this amazing retelling, which you can see was written by a true Orwell connoisseur.

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Zuzanna Brzezinska Zuzanna Brzezinska

Michael Joseph Romance Readathon

When Michael Joseph came to us looking for a way to spread the word about their romance offering, we knew we could create something really special - thatโ€™s how we ended up with an immersive, custom branded romance book club with over 250 creators taking part, built around 12 titles, featured in over a 1.5K pieces of content throughout the summer across both Instagram and TikTok. This included paid TikTok content (with Read With Me Lives hosted 5 times a month, each month for the duration of the campaign), regular newsletters, events on our Tandem channels etc.

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Zuzanna Brzezinska Zuzanna Brzezinska

No Life For A Lady

A publishing first - a customised edition of Hannah Dolbyโ€™s No Life For A Lady created for the Tandem Readalong.

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Lex Brookman Lex Brookman

The Mystery Readalong: Keeping Readers Guessing

Looking for the ideal campaign to bring a new audience to an established author?

Or potentially an activation in which we lift the veil on authorโ€™s that a reader had previously labeled as โ€˜not for meโ€™?

Well, as always, weโ€™ve got you covered.

Allow us to introduce The Mystery Readalong, which weโ€™ve currently run in three formats.

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Lex Brookman Lex Brookman

Bringing Lisa Jewellโ€™s Podcast Novel to Life

We were thrilled when Century Books UK approached us to have a read of the latest Lisa Jewell novel, NONE OF THIS IS TRUE. All we knew at the time was that it was about two women, a podcast, and might be Lisaโ€™s darkest novel to date. 

Boy, oh boy - were we in for a ride! Hereโ€™s a three minute read on our collaborative efforts to bring Lisa Jewellโ€™s 2023 podcast novel to life, with a slightly more guerrilla approach.

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Lex Brookman Lex Brookman

AUTHORS! So you want to work with Tandem?

Well, weโ€™d love to work with you!

Did you know, as well as working with the โ€˜big fiveโ€™ and many small, independent presses, we also work directly with authors across a multitude of support offerings? Well now you do!

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Camilla Riccadonna Camilla Riccadonna

It Starts With Us: Activations In UK And Italy

It starts with us follows the story of main characters Atlas and Lily attempting to rekindle the love they felt for each other as teenagers, but dealing with the repercussions their love may have now as adults.

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