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Hannah Kaner

304 pages

You are not welcome here, godkiller

Kissenโ€™s family were killed by zealots of a fire god. Now, she makes a living killing gods, and enjoys it. That is until she finds a god she cannot kill: Skedi, a god of white lies, has somehow bound himself to a young noble, and they are both on the run from unknown assassins.

Joined by a disillusioned knight on a secret quest, they must travel to the ruined city of Blenraden, where the last of the wild gods reside, to each beg a favour.

Pursued by demons, and in the midst of burgeoning civil war, they will all face a reckoning โ€“ something is rotting at the heart of their world, and only they can be the ones to stop it.

#godkillerreadalong, #tandemreadalong

Alexis, Campaign manager


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Alexis Ebers

Alexis Ebers is a former musical theatre actor and perpetual bookworm. She recently completed an MA Publishing degree at City, University of London and grew up in New York.


Bad Luck and Trouble


Infinity Alchemist